Comair (MN) Cheapest Flight Deals

Top Airline Competitors for Comair

Total Departures/ArrivalsOverlapping Departures/Arrivals
Comair - MN26--
South African Airways - SA5011826
Safair - FA1615
Mango - JE1614
Kenya Airways - KQ629623
Air France - AF14244522

Latest Comair Information Last modified: Aug 29, 2011 12:14:04 PM EDT

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Worst U.S. Airports: The Complete List
Flight Delays, Worst Airports and Most Chronically Delayed Flights If you feel like you have been waiting longer and longer to board flights or are spending more and more time on the tarmac, you are not going crazy. Your cheap tickets aren't worth the savings if the tradeoff is lost patience. The number of late departures was up 8.6% in the first five months of 2011, and late arrivals are up nearly... Continue reading

Comair Baggage Fees

With airline service fees and baggage fees continuing to rise, cost-conscious consumers may want to check for updated fees before making a travel decision. Current bag fees for Comair are listed below. If you need more info, your carrier's web site should have more detailed information. Additionally, all airlines traveling from, to, or within the United States are required to specify all baggage and special item charges at the time of passenger fare quote.


Carry On:


Checked Bag

  • First Bag:N/A
  • Second Bag:N/A


Carry On:


Checked Bag

  • First Bag:Free
  • Second Bag:Free

See more information on rules, guidance, and enforcement orders for baggage issues at the U.S. Dept. of Transportation's Baggage Fee Disclosure Rules page.

Comair Flights - Cheap Flights & Best Deals | FareCompare